Risk assessment to man and the environment in case of exposure to soil contamination. Integration of different aspects


This report concludes a series of reports which provide the technical-scientific base for revision of the guidelines for soil and groundwater in the Dutch Soil Protection act.

The present study integrates the results of earlier studies in this context (Nos. 725201001 up to 725201006 and No. 725201008). Relevant information from the earlier reports concerning the derivation of intervention values is presented. This information takes into account the determination of human exposure and the risk of damage to (human) health or the environment. Furthermore, proposals are being made to clarify and where necessary adjust toxicologically based intervention values. Finally, attention has been given to the uncertainties in the derivation of the intervention values.


Berg R van den , Roels JM


Publication title
Risk assessment to man and the environment in case of exposure to soil contamination. Integration of different aspects
Publication date
30 September 1991
Publication type
Publication language
Product number