Sustainable production and consumption, an assessment for the Netherlands

Poverty, climate change and loss of biodiversity are among the key issues in relation to global sustainable development. The Netherlands is tightly embedded in a global network of economic relations as well as environmental effects: domestic consumption and production patterns affect environmental pressure not only within the country, but also abroad. This report explores the nature and quantity of economic and environmental embedding of the Netherlands in the world. Following from surveys, support for policy measures is identified and explored. It concludes by the notion that sustainability problems have an increasingly global character, but that the inverse is also true: it makes sense to take up responsibilities to improve the environment in other parts of the world.


Aalbers T , Brink C , Drissen E , Faber A , Nijdam D , Rood T , Vringer K , Wilting HC


Publication title
Sustainable production and consumption, an assessment for the Netherlands
Publication date
5 February 2008
Publication type
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Product number