The potential contribution of a nitrogen emission control area to national targets under a revised EU national emission ceiling directive

A proposal by the European Commission, containing national targets for 2030 for air polluting emissions from land-based sources, allows for a restricted contribution of new emission reductions in international sea shipping. The first estimates of such contributions are presented here.

Largest contributions found for Denmark, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom

Nitrogen Emission Control Areas (NECA) in the North Sea and Baltic Sea are estimated to deliver a significant contribution to the achievement of national nitrogen oxide reduction targets for the EU Member States bordering on these waters. The most substantial contribution was found for Denmark.  Further substantial contributions to the achievement of emission reduction targets were found for the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. Smaller contributions were found for France, Belgium, Germany, Poland and Latvia.

Postponing the implementation of a NECA will reduce its contribution to the achievement of national targets by 2030

The estimated contributions are based on the assumption that Nitrogen Emission Control Areas in the North Sea and the Baltic Sea will come into effect for new-build ships in January 2016. However, a postponement of this implementation is more than likely.  An indicative analysis shows that such a postponement to 2021 might halve the estimated contributions to the achievement of national targets by 2030.


Pieter Hammingh, Jukka-Pekka Jalkanen, Lasse Johansson, Jan de Ruiter


Publication title
The potential contribution of a nitrogen emission control area to national targets under a revised EU national emission ceiling directive
Publication date
8 April 2015
Publication type
Product number