The size and impact of the Dutch footprint on the planet


Everyone uses natural resources, and the land required to produce these resources is often metaphorically referred to as the footprint. This metaphor has helped to make many people aware of the consequences of their consumption behaviour.

To gain insight into the sustainable development of the Netherlands, the Dutch footprint should be monitored. Footprint indicators may provide useful information for policy; for example, where choices have to be made about energy and land use, or for sustainable management and use of natural resources.

PBL published a report that describes the footprint of Dutch consumption and its ecological consequences, and presents options for reducing the footprint. A set of indicators is proposed for describing various aspects of the footprint as a basis for priority setting and making policy choices. For that purpose, PBL has divided the footprint into 12 indicators to provide a better insight into pressures on the planet, the causes and effects. This approach is useful for various policy areas.


Mark van Oorschot, Trudy Rood, Edward Vixseboxse, Harry Wilting and Stefan van der Esch


Publication date
5 November 2013
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