CO2-Reduction in building locations. A survey and three case studies about the role of options for CO2 reduction in planning processes


A great deal of energy is used in urban areas for heating and electricity use in dwellings and buildings and for traffic. Many options are available to reduce CO2 emissions in the development of new urban areas, like district heating, smal-scale combined heat and power, several forms of solar energy, insulation, construction of public transport, mixing of functions and parking policies. Although a number of measures are being applied, there are still barriers to the large-scale diffusion of options for far-reaching CO2 reduction.

This report presents the results of a study into the adoption of options for CO2 reduction in large building locations in the Netherlands. It consists of a survey of options adopted in the 26 largest VINEX locations and three case studies. In these case studies the planning process was analysed to answer the question: what factors can explain the diffusion or otherwise of options for CO2 reduction. By analysing documents and holding interviews we followed the process of strategic planning from the design of the urban area through to implementation in individual building projects. Conclusions are drawn about the motives of the different actors involved, the organisation of the planning process, the role of knowledge, the policy instruments used and the role of external factors.


Waals JFM van der , Joosen S , Geleuken BP van , Groenenberg MC , Kneepkens M , Vermeulen WJV


Publication title
CO2-Reduction in building locations. A survey and three case studies about the role of options for CO2 reduction in planning processes
Publication date
17 January 1999
Publication type
Publication language
Product number