Comprehensive approaches to differentiation of future climate commitments: some options compared


This chapter explores and evaluates some possible options for future differentiation of commitments for developed and developing countries, taking into account the experience with the Kyoto Protocol negotiations.

The Kyoto outcome seems to have been mainly determined by what the various parties were willing to do, and by an effort to secure the participation of all developed countries. If such an opportunistic approach were to be continued in the future it seems unlikely to be effective in keeping open the option of stabilizing greenhouse gas concentrations at low levels, and in overcoming the present distrust hindering constructive engagement of developing countries in taking on quantitative commitments.


Berk MM , Gupta J , Jansen JC


Publication title
Comprehensive approaches to differentiation of future climate commitments: some options compared
Publication date
1 January 2003
Publication type
In: Ierland EC van, Gupta J, Kok MTJ, eds. Issues in international climate policy: theory and policy. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2003;171-200
Product number