Ecological, Social and Economic Evaluation of Transport Scenarios: An Integral Approach. A Phd research programme


This report describes a research programme for the development of a methodology for the integral assessment of ecological, economic and social impacts of transport scenarios.

The following research activities are planned:

  1. a literature study on theories and conceptual models, explaining the functioning of the land-use-transport system
  2. a literature study on methodologies for the evaluation of transport scenarios
  3. a review of evaluation methodologies used in recent transport scenarios
  4. the development of a methodology for the ecological, economic and social assessment of transport scenarios
  5. the application of the methodology in case studies.


Geurs KT


Publication title
Ecological, Social and Economic Evaluation of Transport Scenarios: An Integral Approach. A Phd research programme
Publication date
31 July 2000
Publication type
Publication language
Product number