Financing adaptation in developing countries


The estimated additional investment and financial flows needed for adaptation to climate change in developing countries up to 2030 could amount to many tens of billion US dollars per year.

The funding available under the financing mechanisms of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) at their current levels are is not sufficient to address the future financial flows estimated to be needed for adaptation meet these forecast needs. Therefore, additional financing mechanisms are necessary. This report reviewed a wide range of mechanisms for international financing of adaptation. It developed a systematic assessment of the major new mechanisms that were found in the literature, using among others a desk study and consultation of an international expert panel. Assessment criteria were categorized under feasibility, effectiveness and efficiency.

This study has been performed within the framework of the Netherlands Research Programme on Scientific Assessment and Policy Analysis for Climate Change (WAB).


Drunen M van , Bouwer L , Dellink R , Gupta J , Massey E , Pauw P


Publication title
Financing adaptation in developing countries
Publication date
28 May 2009
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