Greenhouse Gas Emissions in the Netherlands 1990-1999. National Inventory Report


This report documents the 2001 Netherlands' annual submission of its greenhouse gas emission inventory in accordance with the United Nation's Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the European Union's Greenhouse Gas Monitoring Mechanism. 

The report comprises explanations of observed trends in emissions; a description of a first assessment of key sources and their uncertainty; documentation of methods, data sources and emission factors applied; and a description of the quality assurance system and the verification activities performed on the data.

From the inventory it can be concluded that total CO2-equivalent emissions of the six greenhouse gases together increased in 1999 by about 6% relative to 1990 (1995 for fluorinated gases). This increase would be a half per cent less when comparing temperature-corrected emissions. Emissions of CO2 and N2O have increased from 1990 to 1999 by about 8% and 15%, respectively, while in the same period CH4 emissions have decreased by 20%, effectively to a level 0.5% point below N2O emissions. Of the fluorinated greenhouse gases, for which 1995 is the reference year, emissions of HFCs and PFCs increased by 20 and 40% in 1999, respectively, while SF6 emissions (completely recalculated) decreased by about 20%.


Olivier JGJ , Thomas R , Brandes LJ , Peters JAHW , Coenen PWHG


Publication title
Greenhouse Gas Emissions in the Netherlands 1990-1999. National Inventory Report
Publication date
31 May 2001
Publication type
Publication language
Product number