Housing trajectories of EU-migrants in the Netherlands: Between quick emigration and shared living as temporary and permanent solution


Many European countries have witnessed new immigration patterns in the past two decades through the gradual enlargement of the European Union. While migration motives and labour market positions of EU migrants are well-understood, relatively little is known about their housing positions in the hosting countries. Using sequence analyses and logistic regression on longitudinal register data from Statistics Netherlands, this paper examines the housing trajectories of EU migrants from seven countries in the Netherlands for an eight year period (2011-2019).

Sharing as a solution

Our results show that while housing trajectories vary substantially in terms of length of stay in the Netherlands and access to social housing, private renting and homeownership, sharing is at the center for all migrant groups , both as a temporary and permanent solution.

Contrasting demographic and socio-economic profiles

Moreover, we show that varying housing trajectories can partially be explained through contrasting demographic and socio-economic profiles, yet even after controlling for such factors as income,  age, and household composition some differences across country groupings persist.

The article in the form of a working paper published on 16 November 2021 was replaced on 29 July 2022 by a publication in Housing Studies and available on Taylor & Francis Online(published as Open Access)


PBL Authors
Dorien Manting Christian Lennartz
Other authors
Tom Kleinepier (ABF Research)


Publication title
Housing trajectories of EU-migrants in the Netherlands: Between quick emigration and shared living as temporary and permanent solution
Publication date
29 July 2022
Publication type
Publication language
Housing Studies
Product number