Long-range Atmospheric Transport of Persistent Organic Pollutants, I: Description of surface-atmosphere exchange modules and implementation in EUROS


Concerns a description of a model for the exchange of gaseous Persistent Organic Pollutants (POP) at land and sea surfaces and its application in the Eulerian air pollution transport model EUROS.

Sample simulations of the net deposition of lindane over Europe are discussed. For non-emission areas over land, wet deposition was found to account for on average 75% of the total input of lindane, while on average 30% of this input re-volatilizes. Over sea, dry deposition accounts for on average 72% of the total input, the average re-volatilization fraction being 15%. The concentrations of lindane in rainwater for a number of stations around the North Sea are overestimated by the model by about a factor of 3. A model response analysis showed that the emission data are the main cause of uncertainty in the calculated concentrations.


Jacobs CMJ , Pul WAJ van


Publication title
Long-range Atmospheric Transport of Persistent Organic Pollutants, I: Description of surface-atmosphere exchange modules and implementation in EUROS
Publication date
30 November 1996
Publication type
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Product number