Manual of FOCUS PEARL version 1.1.1


The PEARL model is used to evaluate the leaching of pesticide to the groundwater in support to the Dutch and European pesticide registration procedures. PEARL is an acronym for Pesticide Emission Assessment at Regional and Local scales.

The model is a joint product of Alterra Green World research and the National Institute of Public Health and the Environment, and it has replaced the models PESTLA and PESTRAS since June first, 2000. Model and data can be accessed through a user-friendly Graphical User Interface for Windows 95/98/NT. All data are stored in a relational database. Both the Dutch standard scenario and the European standard scenarios as suggested by the FOCUS modeling working group can be accessed through the User Interface. This report gives a description of the processes and parameters included in PEARL version 1.1. It also contains a description of the Pearl User Interface and the input and output files. The Dutch standard scenario is described briefly.


Titak A , Berg F van den , Boesten JJTI , Kraalingen D van , Leistra M , Linden AMA van der


Publication title
Manual of FOCUS PEARL version 1.1.1
Publication date
22 March 2000
Publication type
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Product number