Mapping Ground Water Vulnerability to Pesticide Leaching


To monitor the progress of the EU Thematic Strategy on the Sustainable Use of Pesticides, the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (MNP) has developed a simple pesticide leaching indicator. This indicator was developed using results from a pan-European, process-based, numerical pesticide leaching model (EuroPEARL).


A metamodel of the spatially distributed European pesticide leaching model EuroPEARL was developed. EuroPEARL considers transient flow and solute transport and assumes Freundlich adsorption, first-order degradation and passive plant-uptake of pesticides. Physical parameters are depth dependent while (bio)-chemical parameters are depth, temperature and moisture dependent. The metamodel is based on an analytical expression that describes the mass fraction of pesticide leached.

The metamodel ignores vertical pa-rameter variations and assumes steady flow. The calibration dataset was generated with EuroPEARL and consisted of approximately 60,000 simulations done for 56 pesticides with different half-lives and partitioning coefficients. The target variable was the 80th percentile of the annual average leaching concentration at 1 m depth from a time-series of 20 years. The metamodel explains over 90% of the variation of the original model with only four in-dependent spatial attributes. These parameters are available in European soil- and climate databases, so that the calibrated metamodel could be applied to generate maps of the pre-dicted leaching concentration in the European Union. Maps generated with the metamodel showed a good similarity with the maps obtained with EuroPEARL which was confirmed by means of quantitative performance indicators.


Tiktak, A, Boesten, JJTI, van der Linden, AMA, Vanclooster, M


Publication title
Mapping Ground Water Vulnerability to Pesticide Leaching with a Process-Based Metamodel of EuroPEARL
Publication date
18 July 2006
Publication type
Journal of Environmental Quality (35):1213-1226
Product number