Perspectives on the Future of Nature in Europe: Visualisation

During the development of the perspectives on European nature, for the Nature Outlook project, several visualisation techniques were combined:  photographs, icons, thematic maps, artist impressions, posters and films.

Interactive dialogues with stakeholders have benefited from this combination, as visualisation helped to structure information, to keep participants on track during discussions, and to inspire them to create their preferred future. In dissemination, films and artist impressions that explain future storylines in a compelling way are very much appreciated by the general public.

Interactive scenario workshops benefited from combined visualisation techniques because the disadvantages of one technique are compensated by another. Visualisation helped to structure information and keep participants on track during discussions, and inspired participants to create their preferred future. In dissemination, visualisation helped to explain future storylines in a compelling and attractive way.


A.Tisma, E. Dammers, H. van Zeijts & S. van Tol


Publication title
Perspectives on the Future of Nature in Europe: Visualisation
Publication date
11 December 2017
Publication type
Product number