Proceedings of the first NRP-II Symposium on Climate Change Research


On October 29 and 30,1998 some 175 Dutch researchers from different disciplines and research institutions and universities gathered in Garderen, The Netherlands to present their work and hear about other research carried out within the Dutch National Research Programme on Global Air Pollution and Climate Change (NRP).

Several policy-makers and representatives from community organisations attended the meeting, the first of its kind. It was primarily aimed at discussing the work in progress during the second phase of the programme. A secondary aim of the meeting was to initiate an effort to stimulate the integration of research within the programme around specific problem areas, such as the impacts of climate change on ecosystems or land use and the possibilities for national or international climate policies. Discussions were lively. The unreviewed proceedings include short papers and posters on almost all the projects either underway or finished.


Kok MJT , Verweij W (eds)


Publication title
Proceedings of the first NRP-II Symposium on Climate Change Research
Publication date
22 November 1999
Publication type
Publication language
Product number