The Amazon Region: Tropical Deforestation, Biogeochemical Cycles and the Climate


The biogeochemical cycling of carbon, water, energy, aerosols, and trace gases in the Amazon Basin, and the interactions between deforestation, rainfall and climate were all investigated in this programme as a part of an integrated cluster of inter-linked and complemmentary research projects.

These include LBA-EUSTACH (EUropean Studies on Trace gases and Atmospheric CHemistry as a contribution to the Large-scale Biosphere-Atmosphere experiment in Amazonia), LBA TRMM (Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission), LBA WET AMC (LBA Wet Season Atmospheric Mesoscale Campaign) and LBA Project "The Effects of Tropical Deforestation on Climate" under the The Dutch National Research Programme on Global Air Pollution and Climate Change. All these projects were intregrated under the overall research objective of the LBA (Large Scale Biosphere Atmosphere Experiment in Amazon), and their set up enabled a full research synergy by for example the use of joint field research sites and other collaborative facilities. We present an overview of the design of these projects, the measurement sites and methods, and some preliminary research results.


Kabat P , Andreae MO , Silva-Dias MA , Veraart JA , Bink NJ


Publication title
The Amazon Region: Tropical Deforestation, Biogeochemical Cycles and the Climate
Publication date
21 July 2002
Publication type
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Product number