The Interactive Scenario Scanner (ISS): a Tool to Suppport the Dialogue between Science and Policy on Scenario Development; Version 1


In order to explore long-term policy options for controlling climate change, there is a need to develop and evaluate long-term emission scenarios. If these scenarios are to be policy relevant, they should, with respect to developmental stage, distinguish between different world regions, their contribution to the problem, their vulnerability to climate change and their ability to control emissions.

The scenarios should also deal with the question of a fair distribution of future emission budgets. Therefore it is important to involve policy makers in the development of these scenarios. On the basis of requests and comments from policy makers participating in the Delft Science Policy Dialogue workshops, a new software tool, called the Interactive Scenario Scanner (ISS), has been constructed at RIVM.

ISS is a computer model that assists in the interactive construction and evaluation of long-term emission scenarios using the parameters of the Kaya Identity to define scenarios and the climate indicators of the Safe Landing Approach to scan their likely consequences for global climate change and its impacts. This tool can be used to construct proto-scenarios, which can then be further elaborated and analysed with such sophisticated energy and climate change models as IMAGE 2. Recent experiences with the application of ISS indicate that it will indeed be useful in involving policy makers at an early stage of scenario development. Moreover, ISS has also been shown useful in educating policy makers on the complexity of the problem and enhancing communication between, and among, scientists and policy makers.


Berk MM , Janssen MA


Publication title
The Interactive Scenario Scanner (ISS): a Tool to Suppport the Dialogue between Science and Policy on Scenario Development; Version 1
Publication date
9 February 1998
Publication type
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Product number