Towards an equitable global climate change regime


Towards an equitable global climate change regime: compatibility with Article 2 of the Climate Change Convention and the link with sustainable development.We present some evidence that shifting the emphasis from emission reduction to sustainable development needs can contribute significantly to relieving the threat of human-induced climate change.


In this paper we argue that the discussion on how to get to an equitable global climate change regime requires a long-term context. Some key dimensions of this discussion are responsibility, capability and development needs. Each of these, separately or in combination, has been used in designing schemes for differentiation of commitments to limit or reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Many implementation problems of these proposals are often side-stepped. In particular, some proposals may be incompatible with Article 2 of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), i.e. they are unlikely to keep the option open of long-term stabilisation of atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations at relatively low levels. We present some evidence that shifting the emphasis from emission reduction to sustainable development needs can contribute significantly to relieving the threat of human-induced climate change.


Metz B , Berk M , Den Elzen MGJ , De Vries H , Van Vuuren D


Publication title
Towards an equitable global climate change regime: compatibility with Article 2 of the Climate Change Convention and the link with sustainable development
Publication date
6 September 2002
Publication type
Climate Policy, Volume 2, Issues 2-3, pp 211-230
Product number