The effects of climate change on nature cannot be ignored. Territories of plants and animals are moving to the north, birds start breeding earlier and food chains are being disturbed.
Assessment methods support the EU in moving towards sustainable development
A workshop in Rome at the end of September will discuss ways of improving current methods for assessing sustainable development in Europe and thus strengthening governance in this area. The...
Greenhouse gas emissions in the Netherlands have increased 4% since 1990
This increase in the 1990-2001 period is mainly due to an increase of CO2 emissions of 13%. In contrast, emissions of other greenhouse gases decreased. Methane and nitrous oxide emissions decreased by...
The Nature Balance provides the Dutch government with information on the current state of the natural environment and landscape in The Netherlands, as welle as on the progress of nature policy...
Greenhouse gas emissions in the Netherlands increased 3% in the last 10 years
In 2000, total emissions of greenhouse gases in the Netherlands increased by about 3% relative to 1990. This increase would be a half per cent less when comparing temperature-corrected emissions.
Worldwide outlook places environment issues in broad context
Future environmental policies require careful coordination; not only with other environmental policies but also with such issues as poverty, lifestyle and governance. This is one of the findings of...
New global inventory of ammonia emissions from application of fertilizers and animal manure to agricultural fields based on a Residual Maximum Likelihood model. By using more measurement data and a...