Nitrogen pollution on the local and regional scale: the present state of knowledge and research needs

Concerns the results of a feasibility study on the realisation of a nitrogen research programme for the local scale. This study, initiated by the Ministries of Housing, Physical Planning and Environment (VROM) and of Agriculture, Nature Management and Fisheries (LNV), was executed by a project group of Dutch scientists to provide an outline of a research programme proposal. It will be based on an inventory of the main policy questions, and on overviews of the state of knowledge of different parts of the nitrogen causal chain, and of the main gaps in knowledge and present research.

The end product of the programme should be a set of modules which will enable the assessment of the risk on negative effects on current nature conservation in the Dutch Mainframe of Natural Landscapes (EHS) and the nature conservation target types in the EHS to be realised in the future. The modules represent parts of the causal chain, i.e. emission, dispersion and deposition, effects on different terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems and on tree species, groundwater pollution and the marine environment. The research in the programme will focus on refining and validating existing models for the individual elements of the causal chain. Experiments and model development will be focused on better estimating (changes) in key factors necessary to describe the main processes of these elements.


Erisman JW , Bobbink R , Eerden LJ van der (eds.)


Publication title
Nitrogen pollution on the local and regional scale: the present state of knowledge and research needs
Publication date
31 January 1996
Publication type
Publication language
Product number