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Global and regional abatement costs of INDCs and of enhanced action to levels well below 2 °C and 1.5 °C

Under the Paris Agreement, countries agreed to keep the increase in global average temperature to well below 2 °C above pre-industrial levels. Current climate action plans would deliver half the…

National Energy Outlook 2016

Although the target of 16% renewable energy by 2023, as set in the Dutch Energy Agreement, is within sight, the National Energy Outlook (NEV) 2016 shows that the target of 14% renewable energy by 2020…

An analytical framework for strategic delta planning: negotiating consent for long-term sustainable delta development

Sectoral planning on water, agriculture and urban development has not been able to prevent increased flood risks and environmental degradation in many deltas. Governments conceive strategic delta…

Climate Change Will Make Recovery from Eutrophication More Difficult in Shallow Danish Lake Søbygaard

Many lakes around the world suffer from nuisance algal blooms and biodiversity loss, caused by excess nutrient loading. Recent studies indicate that these problems are aggravated by the ongoing global…

The regional economic effects of flooding

This article analyses the regional economic effects of flooding on regions not directly affected. Results show that most regions neighbouring a flood-stricken region benefit from the flooding incident…

Natural capital in the Netherlands: Recognising its true value

Nature provides all kinds of goods and services that offer economic opportunities, such as a water, food, building materials and recreation areas. However, this 'natural capital' is under pressure due…

Similar estimates of temperature impacts on global wheat yield by three independent methods

The potential impact of global temperature change on global crop yield has recently been assessed with different methods. Here we show that grid-based and point-based simulations and statistical…

The Shared Socioeconomic Pathways and their energy, land use, and greenhouse gas emissions implications: An overview

This paper presents the overview of the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSPs) and their energy, land use, and emissions implications. The SSPs are part of a new scenario framework, established by the…

Decomposing passenger transport futures: Comparing results of global integrated assessment models

The transport sector is growing fast in terms of energy use and accompanying greenhouse gas emissions. Integrated assessment models (IAMs) are used widely to analyze energy system transitions over a…

Demand for biodiversity protection and carbon storage as drivers of global land change scenarios

Many global land change scenarios are driven by demand for food, feed, fiber, and fuel. However, novel demands for other ecosystem services give rise to nexus issues and can lead to different land…