Network for Whom? Manufacturing Industry Decarbonisation Data Exchange

The network welcomes contributions from partners and all other stakeholders. The data will not contain confidential information, and will become publicly available. What MIDDEN could mean for various stakeholders is described in the text boxes below.

Energy-intensive industry

MIDDEN sheds light on the CO2 footprint of processes, application of products, and decarbonisation options. The structured approach aims for clarity and comparability of industries and options available.

Added value to companies

Companies have the opportunity to include specific conditions to warrant a correct representation of their opportunities, and may add their own choices for decarbonisation.


MIDDEN provides insight into the application of technologies that can help to reduce emissions from industry. It can also provide insight into the blind spots in innovation, the need for cost reductions, and the opportunities for collaboration.

Infrastructure and energy

MIDDEN can help to identify future input and output flows of energy carriers, H2, steam, residual heat, and emissions. Geographical data can help to identify logical clusters and be used in infrastructural planning exercises.

Policy and governance

MIDDEN provides insight into the companies and products responsible for CO2 emissions in dutch industry. Regional and sectoral economic results of policies aimed at CO2 emission reduction can be assessed.

Consultants and knowledge partners

MIDDEN provides a reliable, up-to-date, structured basis of information for use in systems studies, energy market studies, technology assessments, and policy evaluations.