Decarbonisation options for the Dutch onshore gas and oil industry

This report on decarbonisation options for the Dutch onshore gas and oil industry is part of the MIDDEN project (Manufacturing Industry Decarbonisation Data Exchange Network) initiated by PBL and TNO. The project aims to support industry, policymakers, analysts and the energy sector in their common efforts to achieve deep decarbonisation.

This report gives an overview into the processes involved with onshore natural gas production, storage, transport and distribution as well as oil extraction and suggests technological options to decrease the greenhouse gas emissions related to their operations.

The emissions associated with the onshore natural gas extraction, transport and distribution were about 200 kilotonnes CO2 and 11 kilotonnes methane (corresponding to 320 kilotonnes CO2-equivalent) in 2019. The emissions related to oil extraction (in Schoonebeek) were about 165 kilotonnes CO2 in 2019, mainly due to steam production and oil treatment.

Decarbonisation options include reducing CO2 and methane emissions

The feasibility of and requirements for decarbonisation options for natural gas and oil industry are discussed in the report. The main options for the reduction of CO2 and methane emissions are the following:

For CO2 emissions:

  1. Electrification
  2. Direct integration of renewables
  3. Residual energy recovery

For methane emissions:

  1. Mobile recompression
  2. Mobile flaring
  3. Leak detection and repair
  4. Zero-emission valves


Other authors
Jay Udayan Joshi
Mark Bolech


Publication title
Decarbonisation options for the Dutch onshore gas and oil industry
Publication date
13 October 2022
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