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GHG mitigation scenarios for major emitting countries: an overview of recently adopted policies

NewClimate Institute, PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency and IIASA present an overview of on climate change mitigation policies in 25 major emitting countries/regions that have been…

A methodology and implementation of automated emissions harmonization for use in Integrated Assessment Models

Emissions harmonization refers to the process used to match greenhouse gas (GHG) and air pollutant results from Integrated Assessment Models (IAMs) against a common source of historical emissions. To…

The continental divide? Economic exposure to Brexit in regions and countries on both sides of The Channel

In this article we demonstrate that 10-17% of regional GDP in the UK regions is exposed to a Brexit. This is far more than regions in other countries. Only regions in the Republic of Ireland face…

National Energy Outlook 2017

Renewable energy generation and energy saving are increasing, energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions are decreasing. However, various targets for energy and climate for 2020, will not be…

Open discussion of negative emissions is urgently needed

At the moment, nearly all model-based scenarios that limit global warming to 2 °C or less use negative CO 2 emission technologies (NETs), particularly bio-energy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS…

UNEP Emissions Gap Report 2017

Governments and non-state actors need to deliver an urgent increase in ambition to ensure the Paris Agreement goals can still be met according to 2017 annual Emissions Gap report by UNEP. Researchers…

Abandonment of natural gas production and investment in carbon storage

Long-term mitigation scenarios rely heavily on Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) for achieving ambitious climate change targets. The amount of CO 2 storage in these scenarios depends on the CO 2 price…

Using behavioral insights to make firms more energy efficient: A field experiment on the effects of improved communication

The Dutch government provides annual, detailed, energy-efficiency feedback to individual companies that have signed a voluntary agreement to increase their energy efficiency. However, only about 14%…

Greenhouse gas emissions in the Netherlands, 1990-2015: National Inventory Report 2017

This report documents the Netherlands' submission of its annual greenhouse gas emission inventory for 2017, in accordance with the guidelines provided by the United Nations Framework Convention on…

Greenhouse gas emissions in the Netherlands, 1990–2014: National Inventory Report 2016

Total greenhouse gas emissions in the Netherlands decreased in 2014 by approximately 4.1%, compared with those in 2013. This was mainly the result of a decrease in fuel consumption due to the mild…