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EU Resource efficiency perspectives in a global context

Resource Efficiency is one of the flagship projects of the European Commission. On this subject, the expected global development of five related aspects has been mapped by the PBL: energy, land use…

Trends report 'The energetic society. In search of a governance philosophy for a clean economy'

The existing powers of creativity and innovation within society offer opportunities for ‘green growth’. Mobilising this energetic society demands adjustment of the way national government thinks and…

Special issue of Climatic Change journal on the RCP released

A new Special issue of the journal Climatic Change describes four new key scenarios for the climate research community: the Representative Concentration Pathway (RCPs). The RCPs describe a wide range…

An evaluation of the global potential of bioenergy production on degraded lands

In this article the global potential of energy crop production on degraded lands was estimated using detailed, spatially explicit data about the area, type and extent of degradation derived from the…

Global projections for anthropogenic reactive nitrogen emissions to the atmosphere: an assessment of scenarios in the scientific literature

Most long-term scenarios of global reactive nitrogen (Nr) emissions to the atmosphere are produced by Integrated Assessment Models in the context of climate change assessments. These scenarios…

Evolution of anthropogenic and biomass burning emissions of air pollutants at global and regional scales during the 1980–2010 period

Several different inventories of global and regional anthropogenic and biomass burning emissions are assessed for the 1980–2010 period. The species considered in this study are carbon monoxide…

Higher than expected NOx emission from trucks may affect attainability of NO2 limit values in the Netherlands

In past years, the European limit value for average annual NO 2 concentration has been exceeded in city streets and along motorways in the Netherlands. By 2015 the limit value must be adhered to in…

Nitrogen: 'Too much of a good thing'

Nitrogen pollution costs the European Union between €70 billion and €320 billion per year. This cost is more than double the value that nitrogen fertilizers are estimated to add to European farm…

Modelling the impact of sea-salt particles on the exceedances of daily PM10 air quality standards in the Netherlands

Particles generated at the sea surface contribute to PM 10 levels in coastal areas. Current estimates suggest annual average contributions of up to 10 µg/m³ along the North Sea coast in the…

Europe’s Nitrogen Problem

For the last five years, scientists across Europe have chronicled the little-known nitrogen dilemma and the threats it poses to our environment and health – as well as how we can solve the problem.