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Assessing multiple ecosystem services in 708 European urban areas

Nature is increasingly recognized for its potential to address societal challenges in cities, through the delivery of ecosystem services (ES). However, large-scale assessments quantifying this…
Photo Urban gardening in Malmö, Sweden

Impact of lifestyle, human diet and nutrient use efficiency in food production on eutrophication of global aquifers and surface waters

A spatially explicit analysis is presented of the impact of human lifestyle, diet and nutrient use efficiency in food production and wastewater treatment on exceedance of threshold concentrations for…
consumer in supermarket

Impact of groundwater nitrogen legacy on water quality

The loss of agricultural nitrogen (N) is a leading cause of global eutrophication and freshwater and coastal hypoxia. Despite regulatory efforts, such as the European Union’s Nitrogen Directive, high…
Foto van koeien in een extensief beheerde weide bij het Naardermeer

Limited consumer willingness diminishes the potential environmental gains of dietary change

A collaborative study between researchers from the Institute of Environmental Science of Leiden University (CML) and the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (PBL) sought to understand how…

Trends and geographic variation in adverse impacts of nitrogen use in Europe on human health, climate, and ecosystems: A review

This study assesses the effects of reactive nitrogen (N) pollution on human health, climate, and ecosystems in Europe from 1990 to 2019. It reports temporal and spatial variation in nitrogen-related…
Cows in the Vosges Mountains

Comparing the ambition of EU companies with science-based targets to EU regulation-imposed reductions

Companies can support governments in bridging the emissions gap between current policies and the Paris goals by adhering to voluntary greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction targets that align with or…

Global regionalized characterization factors for phosphorus and nitrogen impacts on freshwater fish biodiversity

Inefficient global nutrient (i.e., phosphorus (P) and nitrogen (N)) management leads to an increase in nutrient delivery to freshwater and coastal ecosystems and induces eutrophication in these…
freshwater fish

Disutility of climate change damages may warrant much stricter climate targets

Cost-benefit integrated assessment models (IAMs) inform the policy deliberation process by determining cost-optimal greenhouse gas emission reduction pathways based on economic considerations. These…

Decarbonisation Paths for the Dutch Aviation Sector

Aviation accounts for a significant share of global greenhouse gas emissions. The Dutch aviation sector can be made CO 2 -neutral by 2050 if enough sustainable aviation fuels (SAFs) replace fossil jet…
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Costs and benefits of synthetic nitrogen fertiliser for global production of cereal grains in 2015 and in 2050 under contrasting scenarios

Increased use of synthetic N fertiliser has boosted global cereal grain production, but has also led to a massive increase of reactive N loss and environment impacts. This paper quantifies the global…