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Emissions: world has four times the work or one-third of the time

New synthesis shows what a wasted decade means for the climate pact made in Paris. New research shows that nations must now do much more and much faster to limit global warming to well below 2 °C, let…

Assessment of Sectoral Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Potentials for 2030

The aim of this article is to provide an overview of greenhouse gas emission reduction potentials for 2030 based on the assessment of detailed sectoral studies. The overview updates a previous…

Effects of European emission reductions on air quality in the Netherlands and the associated health effects

Since the 1970s, European policies to improve air quality have resulted in fewer air polluting emissions, in many countries. As a result, levels of ambient concentrations of particulate matter and…

Capacity vs energy subsidies for promoting renewable investment: Benefits and costs for the EU power market

Policy makers across Europe have implemented renewable support policies with several policy objectives in mind. Among these are achieving ambitious renewable energy targets at the lowest cost…

Reconciling global sustainability targets and local action for food production and climate change mitigation

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) imply country-led implementation. Yet, their achievement depends on sustainability targets compatible across different sectors and scales. Our study examines…

Biomass residues as twenty-first century bioenergy feedstock—a comparison of eight integrated assessment models

In the twenty-first century, modern bioenergy could become one of the largest sources of energy, partially replacing fossil fuels and contributing to climate change mitigation. Agricultural and…

Decarbonisation options for the Dutch sugar industry

This report on decarbonisation options for the Dutch sugar industry is part of the MIDDEN project (Manufacturing Industry Decarbonisation Data Exchange Network) initiated by PBL and ECN part of TNO…

Decarbonisation options for the Dutch paper and board industry

This report on decarbonisation options for the paper and board industry is part of the MIDDEN project (Manufacturing Industry Decarbonisation Data Exchange Network) initiated by PBL and ECN part of…

The role of the discount rate for emission pathways and negative emissions

The importance of the discount rate in cost-benefit analysis of long term problems, such as climate change, has been widely acknowledged. However, the choice of the discount rate is hardly discussed…

Decarbonisation options for the Dutch zinc industry

This report on decarbonisation options for the Dutch zinc industry is part of the MIDDEN project (Manufacturing Industry Decarbonisation Data Exchange Network) initiated by PBL and ECN part of TNO…