EU targets for air quality, climate and energy, for 2030; consequences for the economy and emissions
This study by PBL investigates the possible economic consequences by 2030, as well as the impact on emissions of the new EU policy on air quality, climate and energy.
Evaluation Manure and Fertilisers Act 2016: Synthesis Report
At least once every 5 years Dutch Parliament receives a report about the efficiency and the effects of the Manure and Fertilisers Act. In the report it is concluded that the manure policy has not…
Micronutrients for agricultural intensification – Is Sub-Saharan Africa at risk?
There are no substitutes for micronutrients which are indispensable for plant growth and the human diet; nevertheless low concentrations of these elements in African soils are looming and a cause for…
New EU-scale environmental scenarios until 2050 – Scenario process and initial scenario applications
As part of the Openness project, new EU scenarios focusing on natural capital and ecosystem services were developed. These were applied at different regional socio-environmental conditions…
Exploring future changes in land use and land condition and the impacts on food, water, climate change and biodiversity: Scenarios for the UNCCD Global Land Outlook
The pressure on land is growing in many regions of the world, due to the increasing demand for arable crops, meat and dairy products, bio-energy and timber, and is exacerbated by land degradation and…
Emissions of transboundary air pollutants in the Netherlands, 1990–2015: Netherlands Informative Inventory Report 2017
In the 2017 Informative Inventory Report (IIR) by the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), the Dutch emission data on transboundary air polluting substances have been…
Reducing hunger while staying within planetary boundaries of pollution, land use and fresh water use is one of the most urgent sustainable development goals. It is imperative to understand future food…
Spatiotemporal dynamics of soil phosphorus and crop uptake in global cropland during the 20th century
Phosphorus (P) plays a vital role in global crop production and food security. In this study, we investigate the changes in soil P pool inventories calibrated from historical countrywide crop P uptake…
The occurrence of many species in the EU is expected to further decline, making it difficult to reach the 2050 policy vision. This study elaborates four ‘perspectives’ on the future of nature in the…
Lessons from temporal and spatial patterns in global use of N and P fertilizer on cropland
Many high-income countries have experienced excessive nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) inputs from fertilizer and animal manure in crop production in the 1970s and 1980s. Landscapes have a nutrient…