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GLOBIO-Aquatic, a global model of human impact on the biodiversity of inland aquatic ecosystems

Biodiversity in freshwater ecosystems is undergoing rapid global decline. Major drivers are land use change, eutrophication, hydrological disturbance, climate change, overexploitation and invasive…

The potential contribution of a nitrogen emission control area to national targets under a revised EU national emission ceiling directive

A proposal by the European Commission, containing national targets for 2030 for air polluting emissions from land-based sources, allows for a restricted contribution of new emission reductions in…

Existing data and knowledge gaps about air-climate inter-linkages and way forwards for improvement

Over the past years progress has been made in understanding the linkage between air pollution with climate change. Using data available from current integrated assessment models and activities and…

Global impacts of surface ozone changes on crop yields and land use

Exposure to surface ozone has detrimental impacts on vegetation and crop yields. In this study, we estimate ozone impacts on crop production and subsequent impacts on land use in the 2005–2050 period…

Potential of extensification of European agriculture for a more sustainable food system, focusing on nitrogen

Most global strategies for future food security focus on sustainable intensification of production of food and involve increased use of nitrogen fertilizer and manure. The external costs of current…

Losses of Ammonia and Nitrate from Agriculture and Their Effect on Nitrogen Recovery in the European Union and the United States between 1900 and 2050

Historical trends and levels of nitrogen (N) budgets and emissions to air and water in the European Union and the United States are markedly different. Agro-environmental policy approaches also differ…

Global implementation of two shared socioeconomic pathways for future sanitation and wastewater flows

Households are an important source of nutrient loading to surface water. Sewage systems without or with only primary wastewater treatment are major polluters of surface water. Future emission levels…

Biomass Wishes and Limitations

Biomass is an indispensable resource for a clean Dutch economy, as it is for that of many other countries. The organic material is used to replace fossil resources. This, for example, reduces resource…

Air pollution policy in Europe: Quantifying the interaction with greenhouse gases and climate change policies

This paper uses the computable general equilibrium model WorldScan to analyse interactions between EU's air pollution and climate change policies. Covering the entire world and seven EU countries…

Towards a world of cities in 2050

Expanding cities in developing countries pose great challenges on drinking water, sanitation, waste water and protection against floods. On request of UN Habitat, PBL Netherlands Environmental…