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Exploring, exploiting and evolving diversity of aquatic ecosystem models: a community perspective

Here, we present a community perspective on how to explore, exploit and evolve the diversity in aquatic ecosystem models. These models play an important role in understanding the functioning of…

The impact of river regulation on the biodiversity intactness of floodplain wetlands

The natural flow regime of many rivers around the world is affected by human impacts such as water extraction, climate change and especially the building of dams for hydropower or water storage…

Nitrogen: 'Too much of a good thing'

Nitrogen pollution costs the European Union between €70 billion and €320 billion per year. This cost is more than double the value that nitrogen fertilizers are estimated to add to European farm…

Europe’s Nitrogen Problem

For the last five years, scientists across Europe have chronicled the little-known nitrogen dilemma and the threats it poses to our environment and health – as well as how we can solve the problem.

Adaptation strategy for climate-proofing biodiversity

Nature areas in the Netherlands are vulnerable to the consequences of climate change. Under implementation of the current nature policy, sustainable conservation of all plant- and animal species in…

Global Nutrient Export from WaterSheds 2 (NEWS 2): Model development and implementation

NEWS 2 can be used as an effective tool to examine the impact of polices to reduce coastal eutrophication at regional to global scales. Continued enhancements will focus on the incorporation of other…

Global river nutrient export: A scenario analysis of past and future trend

Synthesis of the Global Nutrient export from Watersheds project.

Progress in the modelling of critical thresholds, impacts on plant species diversity and ecosystem services in Europe. CCE Status report 2009

The CCE Status Report 2009 demonstrates that effects of nitrogen deposition are interrelated with the change of climate and biodiversity. The report proposes indicators, modelling methodologies and…

Interim evaluation of the Dutch crop protection policy

Crop protection methods in the Netherlands have become more sustainable since 1998 as a result of efforts made by growers. However, at the moment the environmental quality of surface waters does not…

Interim Evaluation of the Policy Document On Sustainable Crop Protection

Crop protection methods in the Netherlands have become more sustainable since 1998 as a result of efforts made by growers. However, at the moment the environmental quality of surface waters does not…