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The continental divide? Economic exposure to Brexit in regions and countries on both sides of The Channel

In this article we demonstrate that 10-17% of regional GDP in the UK regions is exposed to a Brexit. This is far more than regions in other countries. Only regions in the Republic of Ireland face…

European Regional Competitiveness Scoreboard

The European regional competitiveness scoreboard offers a powerful tool for analysing a region’s competitive position and its position in global economic networks, using a visualisation of regional…

What makes firms leave the neighbourhood?

Limited attention has been paid to how neighbourhood conditions affect firm relocation choices. Using a panel dataset (1999-2006) of actual firm relocations in the Netherlands, the effect of different…

What makes firms leave the neighbourhood?

Limited attention has been paid to how neighbourhood conditions affect firm relocation choices. Using a panel dataset (1999-2006) of actual firm relocations in the Netherlands, the effect of different…

Spatial concentration of industries and new firm exits: does this relationship differ between exits by failure and by M&As?

This study shows that the effect of the spatial concentration of industries on the post-entry hazards of new firms differs between types of exit and industry. New firms located in regions with a…