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Emission reduction of non-CO2 greenhouse gases

In this study an international inventory is made of the emission reduction technologies and potentials for Non-CO2 Greenhouse Gases (NCGGs) in such a way that they can be used for policy formulation…

Effect of climate change on the hydrology of the river Meuse

This study describes historical observations and future estimates of the discharge regime of the river Meuse, with reference to climate change. It specially deals with low flows and integrates results…

Integrated assessment of vulnerability to climate change and adaptation options in the Netherlands

In recent decades, it has become increasingly clear that the global climate is becoming warmer and that regional climates are changing. This report summarizes the results of an integrated assessment…

Research on a mechanism by which enhanced UV-radiation of the active sun affects weather and climate

The aim of this study was to investigate the degree of climate response to changes in the UV radiation of the active sun during the 11- year solar cycle, and to examine the physical mechanisms…

Impact of climate change on water availability, agriculture and food security in semi-arid regions, with special focus on West Africa

The research effort started with a geographical inventory of all tropical and sub-tropical drylands to map the diversity in aridity, land degradation, population densities and urbanisation of the…

Bioaccessibility of contaminants from ingested soil in humans. Method development and research on the bioaccessibility of lead and benzo[a]pyrene

For risk assessment of orally ingested contaminants it is often unknown how much of the contaminant is taken up by the human body. In most human risk assessments of soil contamination, oral bio…

Verkenning van methodieken ten behoeve van netwerkanalyses in transitieonderzoek

In het kader van het opstellen van het Vierde Nationaal MilieubeleidsPlan (NMP4) is het ministerie van VROM druk zoekende naar nieuwe sturingsvormen van het milieubeleid en de invulling daarvan…

Bioaccessibility van contaminanten die door de mens met bodem worden ingeslikt. Methode-ontwikkeling en onderzoek naar de bioaccessibility van lood en benzo[a]pyreen

Bij risicoschatting van oraal ingenomen stoffen is vaak onbekend hoeveel van deze stof wordt opgenomen door het menselijk lichaam. Dit geldt ook voor contaminanten in bodem. Meestal wordt de orale…

Sources, Regional Scaling and Validation of Methane Emissions from the Netherlands and Northwest Europe

The agreed emission reductions in the Kyoto Protocol require methods to establish the quality and accuracy of the inventory data and to monitor compliance with the Protocol. The IPCC Expert Meeting in…

Representation of the seasonal hydrological cycle in climate and weather prediction models in West Europe

This report is the final report of the project "Representation of the Seasonal Hydrological Cycle in climate and Weather Prediction models in west Europe (NRP project 951246)". The report describes…