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Modeling of HABs and eutrophication: Status, advances, challenges

A call for multidisciplinary approaches to solving coastal eutrophication problems

Water and nutrient fluxes from major Mediterranean and Black Sea rivers

Because of the ongoing evolution toward dryer and warmer conditions, we predict a significant trend of decreasing freshwater fluxes for the future, which already started in the past. Regional hot…

Towards a general relationship between climate change and biodiversity: An example for plant species in Europe

Climate change is one of the main factors that will affect biodiversity in the future and may even cause species extinctions. We suggest a methodology to derive a general relationship between…

Basiskaart Aquatisch: de Watertypenkaart. Het oppervlaktewater in de TOP10NL geclassificeerd naar watertype.

De basiskaart aquatisch watertypen is een gedetailleerde GIS-kaart met de ligging van het Nederlandse oppervlaktewater. Bij alle oppervlaktewateren is aangegeven wat voor type water het is. Van de…

Adaptation strategy for climate-proofing biodiversity

Nature areas in the Netherlands are vulnerable to the consequences of climate change. Under implementation of the current nature policy, sustainable conservation of all plant- and animal species in…

Spatial planning of a climate adaptation zone for wetland ecosystems

In a publication in Landscape Ecology we present a spatial planning approach for the implementation of adaptation measures to climate change in conservation planning for ecological networks…

Adaptatiestrategie voor een klimaatbestendige natuur

Bij uitvoering van het huidige beleid blijft de natuur kwetsbaar voor de gevolgen van klimaatverandering. Behoud van alle dier- en plantensoorten per gebied is niet realistisch in het licht van de…

Options to accelerate ozone recovery: ozone and climate benefits

Hypothetical reductions in future emissions of ozone-depleting substances (ODSs) and N 2 O are evaluated in terms of effects on equivalent effective stratospheric chlorine (EESC), globally-averaged…

Global Nutrient Export from WaterSheds 2 (NEWS 2): Model development and implementation

NEWS 2 can be used as an effective tool to examine the impact of polices to reduce coastal eutrophication at regional to global scales. Continued enhancements will focus on the incorporation of other…

Assessing an IPCC assessment. An analysis of statements on projected regional impacts in the 2007 report

PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency has found no errors that would undermine the main conclusions in the 2007 report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) on possible…