Climate policy and the SDGs agenda: How does near-term action on nexus SDGs influence the achievement of long-term climate goals?
The sustainable development goals (SDGs) represent the global ambition to accelerate sustainable development. Several SDGs are directly related to climate change and policies aiming to mitigate it…
Decarbonising the cement industry: Findings from coupling prospective life cycle assessment of clinker with integrated assessment model scenarios
In the race to achieve global climate neutrality, carbon intensive industries like the clinker and cement industry are required to decarbonise rapidly. The environmental impacts related to potential…
Comparing the ambition of EU companies with science-based targets to EU regulation-imposed reductions
Companies can support governments in bridging the emissions gap between current policies and the Paris goals by adhering to voluntary greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction targets that align with or…
Risks associated with global warming of 1.5 to 4 °C above pre-industrial levels in human and natural systems in six countries
The Topical Collection “Accrual of Climate Change Risk in Six Vulnerable Countries” provides a harmonised assessment of risks to human and natural systems due to global warming of 1.5–4 °C in six…
Global regionalised characterisation factors for phosphorus and nitrogen impacts on freshwater fish biodiversity
Inefficient global nutrient (i.e., phosphorus (P) and nitrogen (N)) management leads to an increase in nutrient delivery to freshwater and coastal ecosystems and induces eutrophication in these…
Environmental impacts of extraction and processing of raw materials for the energy transition
Both the European Critical Raw Materials Act and the Dutch Raw Materials Strategy promote mitigation of negative environmental impacts associated with the production of strategic and critical raw…
A review of existing model-based scenarios achieving SDGs: progress and challenges
Quantitative goal-seeking scenario studies could help to explore the needed systems' transformations to implement the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development by identifying enabling conditions and…
Disutility of climate change damages may warrant much stricter climate targets
Cost-benefit integrated assessment models (IAMs) inform the policy deliberation process by determining cost-optimal greenhouse gas emission reduction pathways based on economic considerations. These…
Decarbonisation Paths for the Dutch Aviation Sector
Aviation accounts for a significant share of global greenhouse gas emissions. The Dutch aviation sector can be made CO 2-neutral by 2050 if enough sustainable aviation fuels (SAFs) replace fossil jet…
Paris targets within reach by aligning, broadening and strengthening net-zero pledges
Many countries have recently announced the ambition to reach net-zero emissions targets. Here we explore the climate and energy transition impacts of the following strategies using the IMAGE…