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Mariculture: significant and expanding cause of coastal nutrient enrichment

Mariculture (marine aquaculture) generates nutrient waste either through the excretion by the reared organisms, or through direct enrichment by, or remineralization of, externally applied feed inputs…

The provision of public goods by agriculture: Critical questions for effective and efficient policy making

Agriculture produces both marketable and public goods, such as landscape and farmland biodiversity. The provision of these public goods is often under pressure as a result of various developments…

Indicatieve klimaatdoelen voor 2030 voor emissies die niet onder de Europese emissiehandel vallen

De Europese Commissie heeft met de lancering van een groenboek een discussie gestart over het toekomstige Europese klimaat- en energiebeleid voor 2030. Indien de EU zijn broeikasgasemissies met 40%…

A modelling approach for the assessment of the effects of Common Agricultural Policy measures on farmland biodiversity in the EU27

Greening of the EU Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) may help to achieve targets of the EU Biodiversity Strategy to 2020. A suite of models can ne used to calculate the impacts of policy measures…

Modelbenadering effecten Gemeenschappelijk Landbouwbeleid op biodiversiteit in EU-landbouwgebieden

Vergroening van het Gemeenschappelijk Landbouwbeleid (GLB) van de Europese Unie (EU) draagt bij aan de doelen van de biodiversiteitsstrategie van de EU. Een modelcombinatie kan de effecten van…

The global nitrogen cycle in the twenty-first century

Global nitrogen fixation contributes 413 Tg of reactive nitrogen (Nr) to terrestrial and marine ecosystems annually of which anthropogenic activities are responsible for half, 210 Tg N. The majority…

Kwaliteit bodem en water beter door het mestbeleid?

De Meststoffenwet regelt het (kunst)mestgebruik door boeren om verliezen van mineralen naar het milieu te verminderen. Het primaire doel is een goede kwaliteit van bodem en water. Een bijkomend…

Assessing agricultural risks of climate change in the 21st century in a global gridded crop model intercomparison

Here we present the results from an intercomparison of multiple global gridded crop models (GGCMs) within the framework of the Agricultural Model Intercomparison and Improvement Project and the Inter…

Hindcasts and Future Projections of Global Inland and Coastal Nitrogen and Phosphorus Loads Due to Finfish Aquaculture

A global model is used to calculate feed and nutrient budgets for freshwater and marine omnivorous and carnivorous aquacultural finfish production. The model uses national production data for the…

Costs and Benefits of Nitrogen for Europe and Implications for Mitigation

Cost-benefit analysis can be used to provide guidance for emerging policy priorities in reducing nitrogen (N) pollution. The results support the priority for further reduction in NH 3 and NO x…