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Short- and long-term warming effects of methane may affect the cost-effectiveness of mitigation policies and benefits of low-meat diets

Methane’s short atmospheric life has important implications for the design of global climate change mitigation policies in agriculture. Three different agricultural economic models are used to explore…

Vergelijkbaarheid van methoden berekening CO2-emissies landgebruik

Beleidsmakers en wetenschappers gebruiken verschillende methoden bij het berekenen van de uitstoot van land-gerelateerde CO 2 -emissies. Dit kan leiden tot een groot effect op het veronderstelde…

Lagere energierekening, effecten van lagere prijzen en energiebesparing

De gemiddelde prijs van energie voor consumenten was in januari 3,8 procent lager dan in dezelfde maand van 2020. Huishoudens met een gemiddeld verbruik van 1192 kubieke meter gas en 2464 kilowattuur…

Taking stock of national climate policies to evaluate implementation of the Paris Agreement

Many countries have implemented national climate policies to accomplish pledged Nationally Determined Contributions and to contribute to the temperature objectives of the Paris Agreement on climate…

What can we learn from EU-ETS?

This paper in the Spring 2020 ifo DICE Report on carbon pricing discusses lessons that other regions could learn from European Union’s effort to implement carbon pricing through EU Emission Trading…

De klimaatbestendige stad vraagt juist om meer groen

Inbreiding en verdichting verhouden zich moeilijk tot het groener en klimaatbestendig maken van de stad. Dat blijkt uit een analyse van satellietbeelden van Zaanstad tussen 2003 en 2016. Er is in die…

How food secure are the green, rocky and middle roads: food security effects in different world development paths

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) address food and nutrition security with goal number two. Food and nutrition security is a complicated issue, and understanding its future requires insights…

Emissions: world has four times the work or one-third of the time

New synthesis shows what a wasted decade means for the climate pact made in Paris. New research shows that nations must now do much more and much faster to limit global warming to well below 2 °C, let…

Assessment of Sectoral Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Potentials for 2030

The aim of this article is to provide an overview of greenhouse gas emission reduction potentials for 2030 based on the assessment of detailed sectoral studies. The overview updates a previous…

Global resource potential of seasonal pumped hydropower storage for energy and water storage

Seasonal mismatches between electricity supply and demand is increasing due to expanded use of wind, solar and hydropower resources, which in turn raises the interest on low-cost seasonal energy…